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CSE474 - Simulation & Modeling

Simulation methods, model building, random number generator, statistical analysis of results, validation and verification techniques. Digital simulation of continuous system. Simulation and analytical methods for analysis of computer system and practical problems in business and practice. Introduction to the simulation packages.

Teaching team

Meem Arafat Manab


Office Hours: Saturday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 2-3:30 PM Tuesday: 11AM-2 PM

Joyanta Jyoti Mondal

Teaching Assistant

Office Hours: Sunday, Wednesday: 8-11 PM (Online)


Where: UB71002.

When: Thursday, Saturday: 3:30 - 5 PM.


  • Email: This is the primary way where you and the teaching team should communicate.
  • Discord: We will post all important announcements here alongwith mail, and you should ask all course-related questions here. For personal matters that you don’t wish to talk in Discord, you can email the teaching staff at, keeping in CC.


Your grade is based on few activities:

  1. Attendance
  2. Lab
  3. Midterm Review + Viva
  4. Assignment
  5. Final Project
  6. Final Project Update

1. Attendance


2. Lab

The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work each week.

3. Midterm Review + Viva

Paper reviews. For the midterm assessment, you will be assigned 1 paper. You should read the papers carefully and write a review of the paper. Your review should be a few paragraphs (in the style of a conference review, say for ACL or NeurIPS).

4. Assignments

There will be different types of assignments. Such as, Paper Reviews, Literature Review, Situational Questions, etc.

Paper reviews.

5. Final Project

Final Project There will be one final project, which allow you to get hands-on experience with Simulation and Modeling.

Projects will be done individually. Each project should be written up clearly and succinctly; you may lose points if your writing is unclear or unnecessarily complicated. Projects must be typeset using LaTeX, and submitted as a PDF. We strongly encourage you to use LaTeX: there are user-friendly web interfaces like Overleaf.

You need to use any of these LaTeX formats for creating your Project Final Report.

6. Final Project Update

Once the final project gets selected, there will be weekly meetings with the TA, where updates of your project will be taken. As well as, the TA will help you to structure your project and report further. You need to attend the meetings mandatorily.

Submitting coursework

Submissions: All coursework are submitted via Google Forms by the deadline which will be send to your email. Do not submit your coursework via email. If anything goes wrong, please contact the Teaching Assistant.
